I’m so excited, I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Marisa from Pieced Together! If you don’t know, the Liebster Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers to promote and give exposure to newer blogs. I think it’s a really supportive idea and an example of how welcoming the blogging community is. I love Marisa’s style and her fashion blog Pieced Together, so I feel really special that she nominated me. The questions Marisa asked were:
- Shop the Look Above: Yoga Mat: Target // Tank Top: lululemon // Yoga Pants: lululemon // Sports Bra: Target
Hi all! Atlanta’s 4th annual Culture Shock Fashion Show is on Saturday October 17! As I just moved to Atlanta, I’m so excited to attend the Culture Shock Fashion Show for my first time! The Culture Shock Show is a spectacular event that showcases art, talent and fashion from different cultures, creating a positive reflection of cultural appreciation in the diaspora. Culture Shock is about educating the community and connecting new artists, musicians, business owner and designers from all over the globe – especially Africa, America, Asia and Europe.
Hi all! I know everyone hates Monday’s, but I recently read an article in People’s Special Wellness Issue titled “Get Well Fast!” Backed by research, these 9 tips can improve the quality of your life and I had to share because some of these tips I really do agree with. Hopefully this will brighten up your Monday morning and let me know your thoughts! The 9 tips to improve your quality of life are: