About a month ago I visited my sister Alissa in upstate New York. She lived in New York City for a number of years and then decided she needed a break. So, she moved upstate about a year ago. I’d been meaning to visit and then decided visiting in the Fall would be a great time, to see the Fall foliage and visit before it gets super cold, and I was right.
About a month ago I visited my sister Alissa in upstate New York. She lived in New York City for a number of years and then decided she needed a break. So, she moved upstate about a year ago. I’d been meaning to visit and then decided visiting in the Fall would be a great time, to see the Fall foliage and visit before it gets super cold, and I was right.
For Labor Day weekend Jeremy and I visited my in-laws in Hilton Head, South Carolina. This was the first trip to Hilton Head this summer. Normally we love to go down for long weekends, or holiday weekends, but we’ve been so busy this summer. You can see some of my prior Hilton Head blog posts (Christmas 2017, Christmas 2016, Thanksgiving 2016).
These past couple of weeks after getting back from our Europe vacation (Edinburgh recap; Amsterdam recap; Paris recap) have been very low-key. On the weekends Jeremy and I have been catching up on sleep and running errands. During the week last week I went to New York City for work. Traveling for work is never a vacation. My team and I are up early and working all day to late at night to get the most out of our travels. However, we did get to have a night to ourselves and my one coworker and I saw Waitress the Musical featuring Katharine McPhee on Broadway. It was the last week Katharine McPhee was performing (her last show was on August 19) so we were super lucky to see her. The show is such a feel good romantic comedy.
After Edinburgh/the Scottish Highlands and Amsterdam, we traveled to Paris! I’ve been to Paris before with my girlfriends and Jeremy has spent a lot of time in Paris for work. But, we’d never actually been together. So, we were so excited to go to the most romantic city together for the first time.