
    Fashion Travel

    Rain, Rain, Go Away

    • Shop Look Above: Blazer: Anthropologie // Sweater: Anne Taylor Loft Petite // Dress: H&M

    Rain, rain, go away!  As I said in my earlier posts, it only rained once, on our first day in London.  While walking around Trafalgar Square I wore a dress, sweater, blazer and boots to keep warm in the rain.  At the time I didn’t have any Hunter Boots, but now that I do I really wish I had them at the time to keep my toes warm!

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    Fashion Travel

    Blazer, Boots and the Tower Bridge

    • Shop the Look Above: Blazer: JCrew // Blouse: Anthropologie // Scarf: Anthropologie // Jeans: JCrew Petite // Sunglasses: Forever 21

    Next stop on my trip down memory lane is London.  If I could afford to live in London, I would…a girl can dream.  I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t fallen in love with London after a visit.  I never did a study abroad in college and that is one mistake I truly regret.  I felt like I was traveling back in time during my visit.  Case in point, the Tower Bridge is astonishing.  The Tower Bridge is one of the iconic symbols of London.  It crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London, was built from 1886 to 1894 and designed by Sir Horace Jones.  Look, I can also throw in bits of history as well!

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    Fashion Travel

    A Good Evening In France

    • Shop Look Above: Top: JCrew // Jeans: JCrew Petite // Headband: Anthropologie // Sunglasses: Forever 21

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  As this is my first post on La Vie Petite, I thought it would be nice to reminisce on my trip to Paris a few Septembers ago.  I’m looking forward to sharing a little piece of myself with anyone who is willing to embark on this new adventure with me.

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