
Weekend Festivities

The weather has been beyond freezing. This does not come to a shock to anyone who is currently located on the east coast. Jeremy and I have been hibernating and rarely leaving our condo. However, I forced myself to be social and get out of the house this weekend. 

On Friday I grabbed dinner and drinks with my girlfriends at Princi Italia in Midtown Atlanta. With the weather being so miserable a large plate of pasta and a cocktail really warmed me up. One of the best things about moving to Atlanta is that I’ve met so many nice women here through work and through blogging. I’m lucky to have made a great group of girlfriends after only living in Atlanta for a short while.

On Saturday my friend Amy and I went to celebrate our other friend Davida’s daughter’s 5th birthday celebration! Her daughter Averie is the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen and she really makes me want to have kids. I was the photographer for the party and captured all the special moments with Davida, Averie and their family. Davida is the best mom ever and went all out for this party. She rented a room at an event space which had bowling, rock climbing and arcade games for the kids. When I had birthdays growing up it was nothing that fancy. 5 year olds have so much energy and after the party I was exhausted and relaxed at home with Jeremy for the evening.

Sunday Jeremy and I grabbed brunch at Morningside Kitchen with my other close friend Lea and her boyfriend Tyler. Then, Jeremy and I did some house hunting and realized we’re not sure we’re reading to be homeowners yet! We really want to live in the Morningside or Virginia Highlands area, but the home are just so expensive. So, we may decide to just rent another year. Our lease isn’t up until July so we have time. Being an adult is so hard sometimes! So, after house hunting we went shopping at Ponce City Market. Then, I cooked dinner and we relaxed at night. Hope everyone had a great weekend!





  • Reply Kat

    Glad u had fun weekend. Did u get snow today Wednesday? You know I love you in this color and your hair is getting so long

    January 17, 2018 at 6:23 pm
  • Reply Kat

    Ps happy Lea found a special guy and hi to Davida for me

    January 17, 2018 at 6:24 pm
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