
9 Tips to Improve Your Quality of Life

  • Shop the Look Above: Yoga Mat: Target // Tank Top: lululemon // Yoga Pants: lululemon // Sports Bra: Target

Hi all!  I know everyone hates Monday’s, but I recently read an article in People’s Special Wellness Issue titled “Get Well Fast!”  Backed by research, these 9 tips can improve the quality of your life and I had to share because some of these tips I really do agree with.  Hopefully this will brighten up your Monday morning and let me know your thoughts!  The 9 tips to improve your quality of life are:

  1. Crank up the tunes.  Singing along to upbeat music can help get rid of frustration, while calming songs may lower blood pressure and anxiety.
  2. Set a turn-off time for work.  The glow from your iPhone at night can make it difficult to fall sleep and can also cause depression.  Plus, people who don’t constantly check their work e-mail from home report less daily stress.
  3. Use your vacation days – all of them!  Taking a trip can lead to positive emotions, a decrease in depression and a smaller waistline.
  4. Breakup with the snooze button.  Those 5 extra minutes can lead to a more tired morning.
  5. Burn calories by walking.  Improve your memory, energy and attention span by walking outdoors.
  6. Give in to retail therapy.  Occasional shopping can make you happier and more confident.
  7. Pick a calming fragrance.  Scents like lavender and citrus reduce stress-induced muscle tension.
  8. Make the bed every morning.  By starting out with this simple chore, you’re more likely to complete tasks and have a more productive day.
  9. Compliment someone!  Sincere praise met with a gracious smile can create a positive environment for both the giver and the receiver.  It’s also a great tool for improving social skills.

So, I definitely agree with almost the entire list (except maybe ditch the snooze button)…

  1. Music makes such a difference in my mood and I think in most everyone’s moods….
  2. I’m guilty of constantly checking my work email on my iPhone, especially before I go to bed.  I need to be better about turning it off and relaxing when I get home from the office.
  3. I used to feel guilty about taking PTO, so I’d either max out all my vacation days, or take a vacation and spend the mornings or evenings working while trying to spend time with friends or family.  Over the years I’ve learned to really shut down and take a break from the stress of work and focus on time with loved ones and catching up on a good book.  I’m OCD/a perfectionist, so I need a mental break from work/life sometimes.  I feel so much better coming back to the office when I completely shut down.  Otherwise, when I used to work on my vacations I’d feel like I never left and became resentful of my job.  So bring on that vacation to Riviera Maya next week!
  4. Not sure I agree with breaking up with the snooze button… but I guess I’ll give it a try and see if I feel less drowsy during the day if I get up when my alarm goes off, as opposed to getting up when my third alarm goes off…
  5. I’m not a good runner so I’m all for burning calories by power walking outdoors with a friend.
  6. As a girly-girl, I completely agree with giving in to retail therapy.  Having a new blouse, dress, pair of heels or a new purse will seriously make my week.  I’ll be more inclined to go out and be more excited about the workweek if I have a cute new outfit to wear.
  7. I’m obsessed with candles, especially the Volupsa candles, so I’m always having a candle burn in my condo.  My new fragrance obsession right now is Eucalyptus Mint.  I feel like I’m at the spa.
  8. Yes, yes, yes!!!!!! I love making my bed every morning.  If I don’t, I’m more stressed throughout the day.  My bedroom is my happy place and I love coming home to a fresh, clean, made bed.
  9. I’m the first to compliment someone.  A small compliment could really make someone’s day.  You never know what is going on in someone’s life, so why not be kind?  Spread the love y’all!



P.S. and yes that is a band aid tan…I got a flu shot at work on Friday and was out in the sun this weekend so now I have a killer band aid tan line…epic fail.


1 Comment

  • Reply A

    Great tips!

    September 21, 2015 at 9:47 am
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