
Monday Blues

So, the Monday after Thanksgiving, is a little depressing.  I just spent the weekend with my in-laws in Hilton Head eating plenty of Turkey, mashed potatoes and pecan pie.  Now I’m sitting in my office having to get back to the real world.  At least we only have a couple of weeks before Christmas.  Since today I feel a little bloated and depressed to be back, I’m treating myself to 5 things that will hopefully make me feel better. 

5 Things to Cheer up the Monday Blues

  1. Treat Yourself. I went to Starbucks and treated myself to my favorite skinny Hazelnut latte.  Yes, may be a little basic, but I love it and am not ashamed to admit it.  🙂
  2. Get Dressy.  I dressed up today. Typically I’ll wear a sweater, jeans and comfy flats to the office, but today I dressed up in a blouse and pencil skirt to make myself feel more fancy and accomplished.
  3. Be active.  The only way I’m going to feel better about eating enough for a small family this past weekend, is to get back into a routine.  I signed up for a 6pm spin class tonight, because there was NO way I was making the 6am.
  4. Christmas Tree. Put up a Christmas Tree and play Mariah Carey’s Christmas CD on repeat.  To get through the depression of one holiday ending, look forward to the next (and my favorite) holiday – Christmas!  My husband and I put up our tiny Christmas tree in our condo and it makes me smile every time we put on the lights.
  5. Catch up with a Friend/Loved One. Now that I live far away from the majority of my family and friends, I look forward to the moments we can catch up, either on the phone or through email.  I enjoy hearing about their Thanksgiving and planning time to see one another when I’m home for Christmas.

Hopefully one of these 5 things will help with your Monday blues after the Thanksgiving holiday.  Or, please let me know anything else you did today to make your day brighter!





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