Fashion Travel

Hilton Head Holiday 2016

My husband and I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family in Virginia and then we flew back home to Atlanta on Tuesday December 27.  Then, on Wednesday December 28 we drove to Hilton Head to see his family. His mother and step-father live in Hilton Head and his sister flew in town from Chicago.  

Hilton Head Holiday 2016

Hilton Head island is so relaxing. My in-laws have a house on the water and I feel like I’m in a Nicholas Sparks book every time we visit. We opened presents, had a belated Christmas dinner and just spent time with one another. I love my husbands family and ended up being really lucky with amazing in-laws and two new sisters.  His one sister lives in Chicago and his step-sister and brother-in-law live in Atlanta near us!

Make Me Chic

During my visit I relaxed on my in-law’s dock, read and watched the boats pass by. I’ve been dying to wear my new Make Me Chic white and blue shift dress/beach cover up, but it’s been too cold to wear.  The weather was sunny in Hilton Head, but not warm enough to actually lay out in a bathing suit.  However, it was nice to get some sunshine and be outside. The dress is currently on sale and only $15 so it’s cheap and easy to throw in a suitcase for a vacation.

Hope everyone had a great rest of their holidays!



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