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    Food & Drink Lifestyle

    Brunch at Casa de Amy

    Two weekends ago my friend Amy had a bunch of us girls over for brunch. Amy lived in Spain for over a year so all her dishes were authentic to what she ate while in Spain. Amy cooked Spanish tortillas, French flat bread with gruyere cheese and caramelized onions and salad with mixed greens, beets and goat cheese. The favorite of the day was the “tostada con tomate,” a specialty from the eastern coast of Spain. For beverages we had freshly juiced, orange pineapple and blackberry mint mimosas, and cafe con leche or espresso with fresh whipped cream. Amy really over did herself and now I’ll never be able to top her brunch. For dessert she even made fudge. I had Amy send over her amazing recipes!

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    Fashion Food & Drink Lifestyle

    Happy Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Yes, I know, Valentine’s Day isn’t the most popular holiday. The holiday is an annoying reminder for those who are single, that they are still indeed single. For those in a relationship, Valentine’s Day causes last minute stress to figure out a gift or to send overpriced flowers. However, Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be a dreaded or a stressful holiday. Here are some tips and ideas for those single individuals, as well as for couples for a successful Valentine’s Day today.

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    Smile Brilliant Professional Teeth Whitening

    I brush, floss and use mouthwash twice a day. However, I drink coffee and/or tea at least once a day, if not more, and unfortunately caffeine stains teeth. Every once in a while I like to use whitening strips. In the past I’ve used Crest White Strips, but I have very sensitive gums and Crest White Strips would always hurt my gums. I wanted to try a new teeth whitener brand, and heard good reviews about Smile Brilliant, so I tried them out.

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    Lounging Around Attire

    Like the rest of the east coast this past weekend, Atlanta had inclement weather, which basically shut the city down. The South does not know how to handle bad weather. Friday night and Saturday morning we got freezing ice and rain. I spent the weekend snuggled up on the couch. The only times I left the house were to go shopping for a bit on Saturday (because not even inclement weather can keep me from shopping) and to run errands on Sunday.  Continue reading
